'We are in the Fashion industry for \'Kids\'. It is a foremost initiative to give India\'s upcoming and highly potential fashion fraternity for kids a platform to showcase their talent and make a mark in the international fashion industry. It will be a 360 degree event for the kids industry, where brands and designers will have an opportunity to establish a presence and reach the untapped audience by displaying Apparels, Shoes, Toys, Accessories and a lot more. Kids who are interested in Fashion show, Ramwalk etc. Kids wear Designers also can approach. For More Details You can Visit our below mention Social Media Handles. Website: https://ikfw.in/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/ikfw_official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IKFWOfficial/'
Tags: fashion designer , fashion show , kids , Kids Wear , child , kids activity , kids fashion show , fashion show for kids , ramwalk , kids ram walk , kids wear designer
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